You can EASILY avoid becoming a marketing dinosaur!
Researchers has it that the dinosaurs, as dominant as they were during their time on Earth, got extinct not because of the massive asteroids that hit Earth but because they could not adapt to the change in the climate at that time. Their extinction was gradual, they say.
Of course, at the Jurassic period, there weren’t technology that could detect, warn or prepare the dinosaurs of the incoming catastrophe. Even if there were, the dinosaurs certainly lack the capacity to adapt!
Today, this “change in climate” is in the world of business but perhaps more so in the areas of Marketing and Advertising. Traditional media usage has declined by more than 47% and usage of New Media increased.
The evolution of Social Media has given the world unprecedented levels of fast-paced communication. As marketers, we must be alert at all times on these paradigm shifts. The speed of technology development is fast…so we must be ready to adapt.
Here are 3 simple Marketing actions you can pick up and start straight-away for your business.
Talk to software and technology developers today
Ask them what they can do to help you build a marketing system or a hub using what amazing technology there are in the world today! For example, you can build a location-based App for your customers to view your products on the go; you can build a gaming App for customers to understand your products through interactive gaming. QR codes are another good way to get customers into your online store-front. CRM programs such as Salesforce.com are also useful in helping you retain and regenerate customers. And do you know e-Commerce technology ( to help increase sales) can be applied across not only your website but your Blog and Facebook as well?
Get on the Social Media platforms
With Facebook garnering 800 million global users, Youtube with 490 million unique users, Twitter on 200 million and LinkedIn with 120million registered users, you simply must use these platforms to generate higher customer engagement and creating or cementing Top of the Mind Awareness via online communities. If you like be kept in the loop on the latest Facebook tips, check out this link.
Use Google Analytics
Using Google’s technology to capture online data, marketers and businesses can now study, analysis and create strategies to improve their web traffic, brand awareness and conversion rates. Study the data, create a strategy, test it and importantly, measure the results. All successful businesses test and measure their ROI all the time. You can sign up for a Google Analytics account here.
Today, the technology developments are fast and exciting. This inevitably has changed the way marketers reach, retain and regenerate customers. This fast-changing climate is here to stay! So we must quickly adapt and learn to apply them on our businesses.
Take those 3 simple steps TODAY and have fun avoiding becoming a Marketing Dinosaur!
Kelvin Chan, Managing Director, Livewir3!! Communications Pte Ltd