
Indonesia gets go-ahead for 2013 budget

The budget signals possible adjustments in fuel and electricity subsidies.

Indonesia telcos striking a long-term revenue path

Brisk wireless data growth seems like it will continue steadily, says Barclays.

Indonesia to amend labor laws

Laws concerning workers’ pay and working conditions are seen to be outdated.

Indonesia inflation softens but rate cuts not forthcoming

In fact, 2013 might see some tightening as inflation gains momentum.

This is what happens after Indonesia hits worst export growth

The whopping 24.3% fall is reflective of the economy's struggles post-2008 financial crisis.

Indonesia economy to miss 2025's 10 largest economies

The economy growing by 6.8% is a growth 'too slow.'

Indonesia to enforce 15% electricity price hike

Indonesia’s parliamentary commission gives price hike the go-ahead signal.

Bank of Indonesia not likely to ease monetary policy

It needs to stabilize the currency and external balances above all else.

Bank Indonesia's policy rate stands pat at 5.75%

It is struggling to fight a looming large current account deficit.

Indonesia inflation edged up to 4.6%

But the good news is that itisn't as alarming as expected, said analyst.

Indonesia fiscal deficit to inch up to 1.9% of GDP

This is due to slippage on operating expenses and 'ambitious' revenue aims.

Indonesia boosts spending budget by 15%

Analysts worry that Indonesia will underspend as uncertainties of full disbursion arise.

Inflation to creep up to 5.2% in Indonesia

Blame it on food price hikes starting in mid-Q3 due to Ramadan.

Here's what Indonesia must worry about in the next 12 months

Amid widening current account deficit and weak exports, Indonesia should be cautious about three main points, says Macquarie Securities.