HR & Education
The best schools for best paying degrees in Singapore
The best schools for best paying degrees in Singapore
Check out why SMU beat NUS in law and economics.
Game on: How Singapore can score in global sports events management
In the past decade, Singapore has played host to many high-profile events such as the annual Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix, the...
Singapore unemployment climbs 2.1% in June
While 5,500 workers were made redundant in Q2.
Sales and Marketing get it, so why not HR?
Conventional sales wisdom is no longer contemporary; it's been around for a decade or two (depending on who you are). A while ago there was an...
Work-life balance eludes majority of Singapore working mothers: survey
Most spend less than 10 hours a week with their kids.
Wealth management hiring skyrockets in Singapore as Fintech push continues
Investment banking jobs, however, are growing scarce.
National Library Board: Building social capital
The National Library Board (NLB) was formed in 1995 as a statutory board under the Ministry of Information and the Arts to oversee matters related to...
Strategic planning, career growth, and the Singapore PME
Recently, I read with interest an article published by SBR on 15 July that strategic thinking ranks as the highest skill a CFO needs to acquire. This...
Fewer firms saw positive effects of Workforce Skills Qualifications courses: survey
Work productivity dropped to 54.6% in 2015.
Strategic thinking tops ranking of urgently needed skills for CFOs
As financial steward tasks occupy CFOs’ time less.
Current Singaporean workers expect to save longer for retirement, says survey
Citizens are insufficiently informed about retirement, the survey added.
Where are the hot jobs in audit, risk, and compliance in Singapore?
Professionals involved in the first, second, and third lines of defence have been in great demand, particularly within banking and financial...
Half of ICT professionals bank on skills upgrades to stay competitive
About 3 in 10 want more management skills.
Almost 1 in 4 firms in Singapore still shun innovation: survey
While 9 in 10 firms drive and reward innovation.
Layoffs to ramp up in H2 amid market’s cautious business outlook
Retail, manufacturing sectors are paticularly vulnerable.
Cybersecurity experts enjoy 15% salary bump as demand soars
Some professionals can earn up to $200,000 per month.
Why background screening is the last thing you should worry about
Picture this: you finally land an interview with the company of your dreams, making it seem like all the time and effort taken to put together your...