Jobs Bank to be integrated with SkillsFuture Portal
This came after CFE recommended the integration.
Following the recommendations set by the Committee on Future Economy, the national Jobs Bank is set to have its functions improved to better guide Singaporeans on skills training and job matching.
In a news release from REACH, it was stated that the Jobs Bank will e integrated with SkillsFuture Singapore’s Individual Learning Portfolio, which will curate information about the training and jobs landscape when it is rolled out in stages from this year.
"Singaporeans will then be able to turn to one portal for their training, learning, and employment needs," REACH said in the release.
According to CFE, two shifts were required for Singaporeans to thrive in a constantly changing job market: People have to work on acquiring deep skills throughout their lives, and more opportunities must be created for them to use their skills on the job.
"Observers and users have suggested ways for the Jobs Bank to be a virtual career adviser for job seekers, such as having the portal recommend jobs and courses based on work experience profiles that users create. Skills gaps could be identified based on their curricula vitae and the requirements of the jobs they apply for," REACH reported.
Meanwhile, the report stated that the data from the portal could also be utilised to inform policy on training.
"If the data shows that certain jobs are not being filled by locals, training agencies can focus on helping them develop the required expertise," the report noted.