Ministry of Manpower

The Ministry of Manpower is a ministry of the Government of Singapore which is responsible for the formulation and implementation of labour policies related to the workforce in Singapore.
See below for the Latest Ministry of Manpower News, Analysis, Profit Results, Share Price Information, and Commentary.

Closure of CPF accounts of foreigners will 'not pose liquidity issues' -- MOM

Approximately 300,000 non-residents will cease participation in the CPF schemes.

Closure of CPF accounts of foreigners will 'not pose liquidity issues' -- MOM

Approximately 300,000 non-residents will cease participation in the CPF schemes.

The majority of retrenchments come from wholesale trade

Retrenchments grew to 4,100 in the third quarter (Q3) of 2023.

Retrenchments rise to 4,100 in 3Q 

Despite the increase, unemployment rates remained low at 2.0%.

MOM enhances measures to reduce heat stress risk for outside workers

Measures include monitoring of the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature for every hour of outdoor work performed.

MOM to improve standards of around 1,000 migrant worker dormitories

By 2030, each resident in a dormitory must have 3.6 sqm of living space. 

Gov't to form committee to review SG's anti-money laundering regime

Second Minister for Finance, Indranee Rajah, will head the committee.

Workplace fatality rate declines in 1H23

Construction and manufacturing sectors are the biggest contributors to fatal and major injuries.

Man jailed and fined over illegally hiring an Immigration offender: MOM

It is an offence under the foreign employment law in Singapore.

Work pass for migrant domestic workers could cause rigidity in deployment: MOM

The Manpower ministry said there is available support for the workers.

Employment growth moderates in 2Q23

The contraction in residential employment drove the slowdown.

Which sectors reduced full-time workers in a full year?

Sectors in the arts & culture and social services decreased employees.

Three MES Group firms and 4 individuals convicted due to violating labour laws

They were convicted of multiple offences under EA and EFMA.

NWC guidelines for re-employment of older workers out in November

The government received a letter recommending reasonable adjustments.

Employment growth moderates in Q2

The number of employed individuals in Singapore rose by 23,700.

Number of salary disputes up in 2022: MOM

There were 1.68 salary disputes lodged per 1,000 employees.