Increased port dues to weigh down ships visiting Singapore from 2022
Higher dues will be collected to help maintain the Port of Singapore.
Maritime vessels may find their operations weighed down in 2022, as the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore is set to increase its port dues.
These increases will be implemented in two phases: January 1, 2022 and January 1, 2023. The additional funds will be used to maintain the Port of Singapore.
Under the first phase, cargo and passenger vessels calling at the Port of Singapore for a stay of between two to four days will have their port duties increased by up to 6%. There will be no increase for vessesl that stay for less than a day.
Come the second phase, cargo and passenger vessels that stay for less than a day will also have their port duties increased. The increase will also affect those that call at the port to take bunker or supplies, and to change crew.
Current and revised port due rates can be found on the MPA's corporate website.