Daily Briefing: CDL wins bid for Tampines condo site; What Circles.Life thinks about cheaper mobile data in Singapore
And Singapore has big ideas about innovation culture.
From PropertyGuru: Bellevue Properties, a unit of City Developments Limited (CDL), beat eight other bidders to win the tender for a residential site at Tampines Avenue 10 (Parcel C), the Urban Redevelopment Authority. The company submitted the top bid of $370.1 million for the 99-year leasehold site, which works out to about $565 psf per plot ratio.
From CNBC via Yahoo!: Abhishek Gupta, shared why he considers the solely digital telecommunications company, Circles.Life, an industry disruptor in Singapore 's telecommunications space, and likely to other countries in Southeast Asia in the future.The co-founder of the company, owned by Liberty Wireless, said the mobile virtual network operator takes its entire operations to the cloud, tapping on the mobile network of M1, the third mobile operator in Singapore along with StarHub and Singapore Telecommunications.
From CNBC via Yahoo!: When it comes to innovation, there is no such thing as status quo – you either improve or decline relative to everyone else, and sitting in a comfort zone for too long could prove costly. That is the philosophy of Steve Leonard, the CEO of SGInnovate, the government entity that supports entrepreneurs leading Singapore's innovation efforts. While it may not be on par with Silicon Valley, widely considered the heart of global innovation, Singapore has been punching above its weight for several decades now.