Wong warns of major challenges amidst rise of gig and remote work
NTUC will need to reinvent itself to address these challenges, says the DPM.
The rise of gig and remote work came along with major challenges and changes that unions have to address moving forward, said Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong.
In his speech at the Young NTUC's LIT DISCOvery 2022, Wong said amongst these challenges are increasing technological disruptions, and the urgent need to upskill workers and redesign jobs.
To address these challenges, Wong said unions, led by the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), will have to reinvent themselves and adapt to changing trends.
“We now have a better-educated workforce…We will also have a rising share of Professionals, Managers and Executives in our workforce – and that means NTUC will have to find new ways to engage you, to meet your aspirations and concerns, even while continuing to look after rank-and-file workers,” Wong said/
Wong said addressing the change brought by the rise of remote and gig work will allow NTUC to broaden and deepen its reach to workers of different profiles, and represent the broad base of Singapore’s society.
Meanwhile, Wong applauded the Young NTUC for nurturing young union leaders and bringing to the forefront issues that matter to young students and workers like their career goals, long-term aspirations in life, and personal well-being.
“These are issues I know you care about, and we hope to engage you, listen to you, and co-create solutions with you. Through these efforts, NTUC, and all other tripartite partners, will be better able to serve the needs of our younger workers in Singapore,” Wong said.
“To conclude, while there may be challenges ahead, I believe all of us can look forward to the future with confidence and hope. I am confident the NTUC will rise to the challenges we face while holding fast to your founding principles and values,” he added.