Singapore students are the world's best in math, science
Four other Asian nations made it to the top 5.
Singapore students have topped a global achievement test conducted by the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).
TIMSS data have been collected from students at grades 4 and 8 since 1995 every 4 years, generally.
The most recent TIMSS data collection was in 2015 and included students in grades 4, 8 and 12. More than 60 countries and other education systems, including the United States, participated in the latest TIMSS.
According to the latest data, 4th-grade and 8th grade students in Singapore achieved the highest average score in Math at 618 and 621, respectively.
They also both topped the Science achievement test with average scores of 590 and 597, respectively.
Check out the following charts: