Role of CIOs in Singapore expands rapidly: survey
90% of CIOs feel that they have more leadership influence.
The days of a chief information officer (CIO) simply managing and implementing the information and computer technology systems of a company are long gone in today’s digital, post-pandemic world, as revealed by the latest survey of Adobe.
In Singapore, 80% agreed that their role within the organization has expanded, whilst 88% agreed that not only had their responsibilities increased, but that they were also an agent of change and had the power to improve their organization’s culture.
An overwhelming 90% of CIOs in Singapore also feel that they now have more leadership influence.
Moreover, the survey found that CIOs in Singapore think future workforce trends are “much less likely” for their organisations in the near future, with most likely shifts being in management approach and allowing more flexible working hours.
With vaccine distribution on track, businesses are tapping CIOs to help shape their return-to-work plans to ensure that employees can work productively and safely from any location.
30% of teams in Singapore are always working from home one year after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to 5% pre-pandemic.