Over 500 complaints filed for failure to issue mandatory itemised payslips
MoM has notified 1,200 employers to fix their payslip practices.
The Ministry of Manpower has received about 500 complaints over the past two years against employers who have not issued itemised payslips, Minister of State for Manpower Zaqy Mohamad said in Parliament.
In relation, the agency’s inspection made way for the issuance of 1,200 notifications to employers who have been urged to rectify their practices. Itemised payslips have been mandatory since April 2016.
According to Mohamad, MOM worked with tripartite partners and industry associations to increase awareness and offer solutions whilst employers were given enough time to comply with the said requirements. They have even distributed the guidebooks for compliance with the requirements and templates for payslips have been to about 180,000 employers so far.
“MOM will continue to monitor the situation, and work with tripartite partners to raise awareness and strengthen enforcement as needed,” the minister said.
He also advised small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to tap on HR Shared Services providers, such as those appointed under Enterprise Singapore’s HR Shared Services scheme to ask for assistance in helping them fully comply with the rule.