Nine in 10 Singaporeans volunteer to cope with stress: study
Time spent with underprivileged groups alleviates COVID-19-related stress, research said.
Nine in 10 Singaporeans claimed volunteering for charities as a coping mechanism for the challenges caused by the pandemic as well as a way to improve their mental health, according to a research by skills-based volunteering facilitator talenTust and research data and analytics group YouGov.
Survey answers of more than 1,000 Singaporeans expressed the belief that “time spent with underprivileged groups will alleviate COVID-19-related stress”, particularly amongst entrepreneurs and senior business executives.
“More Singaporeans would rather volunteer their time than donate money or items,” the survey added, noting that Singaporeans were more likely to consider volunteering for causes they really believe in as well as if they have more free time in life.
Meanwhile, the younger generation would likely volunteer to help advance their career or pick up new skills, whilst the older counterparts would do so to build their network or connect with other people.