Chart of the Day: Singapore CFOs salaries beat Asian peers
Singaporean CFOs in multinational companies (MNC) usually earn up to $620,000.
This chart from the 2019 Hays Salary Guide shows the approximate monthly salary of the top senior finance roles of Singapore, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan and Malaysia (in its loccal currency). The salaries of Singaporean CFOs in multinational companies is 2% more than those in Mainland China make, 16% more than in Hong Kong, 40.8% bigger than in Japan, 51.8% more than in Malaysia.
Singaporean CFOs in multinational companies (MNC) usually earn up to $620,000 whilst those in medium to large enterprises (MID) and small and medium enterprises (SME) earn a maximum of $320,000 and $260,000 respectively.
Also read: How much are CEOs in top Singapore-listed companies paid?
Hays further noted that despite a rise in salary offers for senior finance positions, recruitment processes could be a challenge. It may take several months as MNCs take their time guaranteeing that they are securing the best available talent in the market.