Banking, computer software, healthcare among top industries to work in for students
Students mostly look at career growth and opportunities in assessing jobs.
Collegiate students in Singapore revealed they wanted to work most in the banking, computer software and healthcare sectors, according to BrightSparks’ 16th annual scholarship and education survey.
The survey showed that the top two career choices upon graduation for top junior college (JC) and international baccalaureate (IB) students were banking (30%) and computer software (30%).
Career in the banking industry (28%) emerged as the top pick for regular JC/IB students, while polytechnic students chose computer software (38%) and for polytechnic graduates it was healthcare (29%).
Career growth and opportunities rank first in the attributes these students are looking for in their ideal jobs, with more than four-fifths across all four student groups. Job security and salary are in their top three as well, with top JC/IB students and polytechnic graduates prioritising salary and regular JC/IB students and polytechnic students prioritising job security.
“Comparing with the 2022 data, there is a convergence in priorities, with career growth and opportunities consistently holding the top spot,” the report said.
The majority of top JC/IB students (33%) expect their starting gross monthly salary before contribution to the Central Provident Fund to be $5,001 and above, around a fifth of regular JC/IB students and polytechnic students are expecting from $4001 to $5000 and polytechnic graduates (20%) are expecting $3001 to $3500.
BrightSparks surveyed 4,676 respondents, categorised by student group as top JC/IB students, JC/IB students, as well as polytechnic students and polytechnic graduates.