3 in 4 employees blame their firms for bad customer service
They blame time-consuming controls and limited budget.
About 74% of customer service employees feel their company's policies hold them back from giving good service, a research by software firm Qualtronics revealed.
The top three challenges cited were time-consuming processes and controls, security and privacy policies, and limited budget and time.
Moreover, only 50% said their employers reward them for helping deliver a good customer experience.
Of customer service workers who do not go out of their way to help customers, 22% said it does not affect their compensation, whilst another 22% said they do not get recognition anyway.
Still, the majority or 62% of survey respondents said that creating a great customer experience is in their top five priorities. For 19%, it’s their number one priority.
For workers that get customer reviews, 80% said they care a great deal or a lot about them. Almost all employees at 98% are keen to know what customers think.