Citizen employment shows zero growth in 2015
Blame it on the slowdown in manufacturing, real estate.
Employment of Singapore locals barely showed improvement in 2015 as it inched up by an estimated 100 (0%), after growing significantly by 96,000 in 2014.
According to a report by the Ministry of Manpower, this flat growth largely reflects the exit of casual workers in retail trade, and the slowdown in sectors such as manufacturing, marine, and real estate services. This was partially offset, though, by local job growth in administrative and support services, community, social and personal services (CSP), professional services, and financial and insurance services.
Meanwhile, foreign employment (excluding foreign domestic workers (FDW)) growth has tapered since 2011. Foreign employment (excluding FDW) grew at a moderate pace of about 2%, or 22,600. This is marginally lower than in 2014, but significantly below levels in 2011 to 2013.
The growth was pushed by the services sector at both the Work Permit Holders (WPH) and Employment Pass (EP) level. The bulk of EP holder growth comprised of the information and communications sector, while WPH consisted mainly of construction, transport and storage, food and beverage services, and administrative and support services.