, Singapore
Photo from Slack

Meet the 5 types of workers in Singapore

A quarter of Singapore's workforce are considered "Road Warriors." 

Five distinct personas are emerging in workplaces around the globe, and in Singapore, the most prevalent is the "Road Warriors" or employees who prefer flexibility over all else.

According to a survey from Slack, "Road Warriors" make up 26% of Singapore's workforce.

Singapore "Road Warriors" want to work away from their desk (91%) and work wherever they want in a way that fits their schedule (46%).

"Road Warriors" describe themselves as adaptable (85%), whilst their colleagues describe them as most likely to work from a new location (26%).

Singapore also has a lot of "Detectives" or employees with a knack for seeking and sharing information.

"Detectives," however, are less frequently found in Singapore compared globally (21% vs 30%).

"Singapore’s comparatively younger workforce is a factor here, with Detectives found to be most common amongst older workforces," Slack reported.

"Detectives" are best described as organised (94%), with a preference for figuring things out on their own

"Detectives" find sharing information with others on the team and finding the right information as quickly as possible most important.

Colleagues describe "Detectives" as the best at digging up information (42%), and most likely to know everything going on at the company (52%).

These two personas feel the least supported with the introduction of new technology, with each group feeling their company provides little or no training or information.

"This highlights the importance for Singapore businesses to better understand the training and skills gaps that workers need the most support with, especially in getting a better handle on how to best introduce AI," Slack said. 

In Singapore, 34% of desk workers are currently working with AI. 

Amongst workplace personas, "The Problem Solver" is the most likely to go all in on AI. Twenty per cent (20%) of Singapore's workforce are "Problem Solvers."

The "Problem Solvers" are employees who have an aversion to repetitive tasks, has a work hack for everything, an early tech adopter, and a master of automation. They are obsessed with saving time and being more productive.

The two other personas found in Singapore workplaces are "The Networker" (20%) and "The Expressionist" (12%).

Slack describes "The Networkers" as someone who goes all-in on connection and communication. They are social, highly collaborative, engaged, and extroverted.

These types of workers love to connect in person. They take notes and share them widely.

Meanwhile, "Expressionists" prefer visual, less formal communication to express themselves and provide clarity. They love using emojis, Giphy, and memes. They are fun, witty, clever and social. 

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