FedEx Corp. provides customers and businesses worldwide with a broad portfolio of transportation, e-commerce, and business services. Our networks operate collaboratively to deliver the best service to customers without compromise.
See below for the Latest FedEx News, Analysis, Profit Results, Share Price Information, and Commentary.
FedEx takes home SBR International Business Awards for its innovative customer journey campaign
FedEx takes home SBR International Business Awards for its innovative customer journey campaign
Taking a customer-first, data-centric approach for “always on” success.
FedEx Express pioneers first EV delivery from Malaysia to Singapore
The EV travelled a distance of 406 kilometres to deliver the package.
SingPost to accept FedEx parcels in trial period
It will accept e-commerce dedicated parcels.
FedEx expands self-collection services to 800 NinjaVan locations
The option is limited to packages weighing less than 5 kilograms.
FedEx launch time-definite delivery service for AMEA businesses
Singapore and Hong Kong were amongst the selected destinations for delivery.
Shippit signs 3 deals with Janio, FedEx, Qxpress
The partnerships are expected to boost its delivery network in Singapore and Malaysia.